New Training Provider enquiry message

Thank you for submitting an enquiry form about joining the Raptor Awards Training Provider Network.

As one of our quality assured training providers you will be joining an active and dynamic group of like-minded individuals dedicated to the welfare of Birds of Prey and the education of those who keep or work with Birds of Prey.

What happens next?

One of our Directors, Julie Murphy or Derek Hartshorne, will contact you by phone to chat about your membership enquiry.

You will be asked about the kind of courses you currently deliver and the customers you serve.

It’s possible (although not always necessary) that you may be asked to provide one or more references from another network member or other Falconer of good standing.

In rare cases we might ask if we can visit and chat in more detail.

Don’t worry, the application process is usually straight forward and simple.

We sincerely hope that this is the beginning of a long and mutually beneficial relationship and look forward to welcoming you to the team.

Derek Hartshorne, Director