Data Protection Policy

Raptor Awards complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and equivalent legislation in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland through ensuring that:

  • the minimum amount of data is collected and processed fairly and lawfully for the purpose for which it was obtained, and with the permission of the individual
  • data held is kept current
  • data held is not retained for longer than is necessary
  • individuals are aware of the purposes of processing the data supplied by them
  • data is held securely
  • data is not transferred to any country or territory outside of the European Economic Area

Individuals are entitled to make requests for copies of any information held about them. This is called a ‘subject access request’1. All such requests must be made to the Director who will consider the request in line with the ICO publication ‘Subject Access Code of Practice’ (2014).

Information will be supplied where:

  • a request in writing has been made
  • a fee of £10 is received (VAT not applicable)
  • the data can be located
  • the identity of the applicant can be validated

The Director will ensure that a response is made within 40 calendar days.

1 Note that completed tests are exempt from subject access requests.