Module C4. Catching, restraining and moving birds of prey Quiz

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  1. For which of these reasons might you need to catch a bird of prey normally kept in an aviary?1
  2. You should only keep a bird of prey that you are competent and confident to handle because: (choose two)1
  3. Raptors hanging head down with wings spread apart are in danger of death from…1
  4. Look at this picture. The handler is using gloves, has secured the hawk’s legs and has restrained the wings. Which statement is correct.1

  5. “When travelling I always face the travelling box forward”. Which two statements are true1
  6. Should you administer a sedative before sending a bird of Prey on a long journey?1
  7. Look at this picture. What is this?1

  8. Which parts of a raptor are likely to cause the greatest injury to a person when catching a wild or untrained bird of prey?1
  9. When catching an injured wild bird of prey. Which statement is most correct?1
  10. When might you use a ‘casting jacket’?1
  11. Birds of prey breathe in a different way to mammals and people which means they have a continuous flow of oxygen through the lungs1
  12. Why are hoods used on birds of prey?1
  13. When travelling in winter I intend to keep the travelling box inside the passenger compartment where it is nice and warm. Which statement is true?1
  14. You will be travelling with your hawk on a long journey in the summer. To ensure the welfare of your bird of prey which statements are most important (choose two) ?1
  15. On a road journey of 6 hrs how many times should you get your bird of prey out of the travelling box?1
  16. When holding a bird of prey you should always:1
  17. What is the optimum length of time a bird of prey should be held in the hands?1
  18. Look at this image of someone holding an injured bird of prey. What is the benefit to the bird in using a jacket to hold it?1

  19. You will transport your bird of prey in a properly constructed travel box of the correct size and dimensions. You are worried about exhaust fumes – what is the best way to protect your bird of prey?1
  20. Handling birds of prey with your bare hands can cause which problem with birds of prey?1
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