Module C1. Accommodation and equipment. (instructor version v3) Quiz

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  1. Brambell’s 5 freedoms’ are embedded in which UK Legislation?1
  2. What do you call the type of Hawk accommodation where she is tethered outside during the day?1
  3. What is the recommended length of an aviary or loft for most Birds of Prey?1
  4. When is it legal in the UK to tether a Bird of Prey?1
  5. Which of these diseases can be caused by unsuitable flooring material?1
  6. Badly designed or badly spaced perches can lead to which medical problem in Hawks?1
  7. Which is the best type of perch in an aviary for a falcon?1
  8. Which types of Birds of Prey should be provided with a sheltered area where they can feel secure?1
  9. Birds of Prey must have access to direct sunlight because:1
  10. Which is the best option for an aviary roof?1
  11. Vegetation in an aviary can provide cover and enrichment for Birds of Prey, but which disease might be caused by fungal spores growing on decaying leaves and twigs?1
  12. Which materials are unsuitable for use in Bird of Prey accommodation? (choose two)1
  13. Which is likely to scare a bird of prey the most?1
  14. The best way to control vermin (rats and mice) is to use a warfarin-based poison in containers where your bird of prey cannot see it or eat it.1
  15. Trichomaniasis (frounce) is most likely to infect your bird of prey by…1
  16. When planning accommodation for my bird of prey I need to allow extra space for which of these items?1
  17. How can you protect yourself and other birds in a collection from infectious disease?1
  18. Which cleaning agents (disinfectants) are safe for use with Birds of Prey? (choose 2 answers)1
  19. When visually inspecting your bird of prey you notice that one wing is held lower than the other. What should you do?1
  20. Look at this picture. When is it acceptable to use cages like this for your Bird of Prey?1

  21. Look at this picture. Which type of Bird of Prey would you keep in an aviary like this?1

  22. Look at this picture. This type of perch would usually be fitted in an aviary for which type of Bird of Prey?1

  23. Look at this picture. Is this rodenticide (mouse and rat killer) is the correct one to use with predators such as birds of prey?1

  24. Look at this picture. A large open pen where young falcons can fly around freely is known as…1

  25. Which of these would you consider to be ‘trusted sources’ of information? (choose two)1
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