Module C6. Falconry furniture and equipment Quiz

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  1. You can fit a small electronic device to your hawk which gives out a signal that helps find lost hawks. What is this called?1
  2. Why are bells traditionally fitted to birds of prey?1
  3. What is the best size for a travelling box?1
  4. Why should you have good hygiene routines?1
  5. What is a potential danger when using digital scales to weigh a hawk?1
  6. Which statement is correct?1
  7. Which of these UK organisations helps to find lost Hawks?1
  8. Which type of lure is mostly used for falcons?1
  9. What is the main disadvantage of using a very large travelling box?1
  10. Which of these materials is NOT suitable for making anklets?1
  11. Which UK law incorporates ‘Brambell’s 5 freedoms’?1
  12. Why might we use lures with birds of prey?1
  13. ‘Making to the hood’ is the phrase used to describe the process of getting the hawk used to wearing the hood. When is it best to ‘make a young hawk to the hood?1
  14. Where should I.D. rings be fitted to your hawk?1
  15. What size bell should you choose for your bird of prey?1
  16. Water in a portable water bath should be provided for tethered hawks. What dangers can arise from the use of water baths?1
  17. Why should mews jesses always be removed before flying a bird of prey free?1
  18. What does the term triangulation mean when using telemetry to recover a lost hawk.1
  19. Some falconer say that keeping falcons tethered all the time is the best way to keep them calm and safe in a small space. Which of the following statements is correct?1
  20. Why do we weigh birds of prey?1
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