Register New Candidates

Registration no longer accepted from this page.  Please go to:

You are about to register a new candidate

Please ensure that you have obtained permission from the candidate to pass their personal data to Raptor Awards for the purpose of providing certification.


  1. Complete the form on this page – you will then be directed to the next item
  2. Complete the (optional) information about your candidates gender, ethnicity and any disabilities* – you will then be directed to the next item
  3. Make a payment for registration and certification (£22.00 in the UK)



*Why do we collect this information? In the UK many grants and funded projects demand that we keep details about candidates and their backgrounds, disabilities etc.  This enables us to demonstrate that we do not discriminate in any of the services we provide.  This information is collected on a voluntary basis and you have the opportunity to ‘skip’ this information if you do not wish to record it.