Proud to support Project Lugger

“Raptor Awards is extremely pleased to have been able to support Project Lugger with a donation from our funds this year.

Sadly, this delightful little falcon is in serious decline in its natural environment, and is desperately in need of help”.

If you feel able to support Project Lugger please make a contribution using the button below.  Thank you.

Support Project Lugger

The Lugger (sometimes known as the Laggar) Falcon is endemic to the Indian sub-continent and has previously ranged from Afghanistan in the north to the tip of India.

Sadly both its range and numbers have reduced in recent years and this once common falcon is becoming increasingly rare.

Fortunately, well-known falconer and committed conservationist Bob Dalton has been instrumental in developing Project Lugger, a captive-breeding programme supported in the UK and abroad  by falconers and others who care enough about the plight of this falcon to commit their time and resources to the continuing survival of the Lugger Falcon.

Read more about Project Lugger